Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Stones of Words: Building or Tearing Down

Have you seen funny image going around social media that says, "Sometimes, when I open my mouth, my mother comes out!"

We chuckle and laugh, but the sad truth is, this is implies something negative came out of your mother's mouth and has now found its way out of your's.

"A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.",(Proverbs 14:1, NLT)

This verse specifically says hands, but I think it means: on her own, without any help.

About a year ago by oldest daughter told me, "Mom, you are a bright side thinker." It caught me off guard because:

  1. I wasn't quite sure what a bright side thinker was
  2. The comment was in normal day life and seemed to have no context to me
My daughter saw my ability to build up and point out good things in difficult circumstances. She saw me choose to focus on building things up instead of tearing things down.

I haven't always been a 'bright side thinker'. 

There have been seasons of my life where I have single-handedly torn down my marriage, my children and other important things in my life without ever lifting a finger. My tool of destruction was my tongue. My words were like venom to the people who were in my line of fire.
"Their tongues sting like a snake; the venom of a viper drips from their lips.",(Psalm 140:3,NLT) 

Let me be clear, I am not proud of those moments. I know I did much damage with my words...and at times that venom rises and I catch myself spewing death instead of life.
"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.",(Proverbs 18:21, NLT)

The good news is that life OR death  can be given by what comes out of our mouth. I am not hopeless when it comes my words. I can chose to build a strong house with my words instead of tearing down the things that matter the most.

 "Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.",(Proverbs 16:24,NLT)

Dear God, Help the words that come from my mouth build up and not tear down. Help me guard my words so that when my children see the phrase "When I open my mouth, my mother comes out", that it will be a good thing. Let the sweet seeds of life I plant in my children's hearts today bring a harvest of good that overflows into the hearts of their own children. Help me raise my daughters to be wise women who will build up and not tear down.

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