Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Discontentment of Want: What am I pursuing?

We were designed with a void that creates an aching want in our hearts. Common ways we attempt to satisfy this want is by pursuing a job, spouse, children, home, or stuff. Other’s saturate the area of void with excessive food, alcohol, sex, or other “numbing” actions or substances. 

Our human hearts are fickle and depending on the focus of our want, we can easily become discontent with what God has already given us.

If a person expects a job to fill the void in their heart,  it won’t be long before they are discontent and desiring a better/ different job.

If you get married to fill the heart's void or longing, the honeymoon will end quickly leaving you wondering if you married the wrong person. The emptiness you hoped would go away once you were married, intensifies with the revelation that your spouse either can’t or won’t fill that aching emptiness.

The discontentment that comes when the marriage does not stop the ache of longing in your heart, can lead you to miss the blessings that are present in your marriage and begin to long for a better or different spouse.

In the same pattern a house, car, children, alcohol, sex, (or any other tangible item) will never fill the deepest longings of our heart. Once the familiar and uncomfortable pangs of loneliness, emptiness, or lack of fulfillment begin to stir again, the consuming monster of discontentment follows close behind.

Those who have a house may want a bigger/ better one. Once they get the bigger/ better one and realize the longing is still there, they focus on yet a bigger/ better house.

Those who have a car may want a bigger/ better one. Once they get the different car and realize the longing is still there, they may turn to purchasing other items or toys in an attempt to make the emptiness go away. 

Do you see the pattern? We all want something. Our discontent stirs us to do, get, or purchase more "stuff" in an attempt to make the hunger of longing stop. 

For some that will drive them to work harder. Others it may cause us to make poor choices. We can go in to debt for the fancier car, or possibly settle for less than God’s best when it comes to relationships.

Regardless of how they do it, they fill their life with stuff, but their hearts remain empty and longing.

The bible tells us that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. 

“Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”, Matthew 6:20-21, NLT
You may be asking, “But what about where the bible says “He (God) will give me the desires of my heart?’Isn’t that proof that I should pursue, and that God should provide the things I am longing for?”

I challenge you sweet friend to read that verse in its entirety.
“Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires.”, Psalm 37:4, NLT

When we examine our desires, we learn a lot about ourselves. If we take delight in God, His word, and spending time with Him, the closer we are to God and the more our desires will line up with His will. The dry ache of longing will be satisfied with the living water of Jesus and the power of God will work in and through our lives.  

If we search after the “stuff” of this life more discontentment, emptiness, and dissatisfaction will grow from your heart. 

If you search after God, the more content, fulfilled, and satisfied your heart and life will be. 

I'm not a 'Pollyanna'. I’m not saying you won’t have troubles…the enemy and this fallen world will make sure issue and struggles are part of our life. I will tell you that if you follow the wisdom of Psalm 37:4, you will not walk through the valley of struggle or loss alone. Delight in the Lord FIRST and foremost. Seek Him above all things and the deep longings of your heart will be satisfied. 

“ If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”, Jeremiah 29:13, NLT

I challenge you today to seek God wholeheartedly. A relationship with Him is the only thing that will fill the deepest longings of your heart. 

Does this post resonate with your own experiences? I'd love to hear from you.

Today I am linking up with: #thoughtprovokingthursday #livefreethursday

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