Commitments are not always this way though…there are times when the peg offered me is round and smooth. It easily fits into my round hole with little effort and it becomes something worthy to take joy in. I am left with a sense of accomplishment and I can say that I did a good job; those times are life giving and invigorating.
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.",(Ephesians 2:10, NLT)
What can I learn from this? I can go back to basics and recognize that the spot I have available is round. When I have a peg (opportunity to commit to something) I need to pause to examine if it is a match for the slot I have available. If so, I know it has the opportunity to be a great experience. If not, it is most definitely a recipe for disaster. It can end up red faced, overwhelmed, and dripping tears because I just can’t make it fit…NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY!
Wouldn’t it be funny if my stressed out, overwhelmed sister had the round peg and I had her square one? Can you imagine how much nicer things would be if we slowed down and took time to see if it fit BEFORE trying to force it? I think I may be able to learn this lesson.
BTW- I’ll trade you a square peg for a round one!
Dear Lord, Help me pause when I have an opportunity to commit long enough to see the truth of the situation. Help me understand that just because something is good, doesn't mean that it is good for me. Give me the courage to do what You have called me to do, leaving behind the things that don't fit with my calling. I think you for these things. In Jesus' name I pray~ Amen

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