Monday, October 19, 2015

God My Rock: He Will Redeem Me

Today I need to be reminded that God is my ROCK and REDEEMER! I don't have to do these difficult parts of life on my own or by relying only on my own understanding and strength. That isn't my's HIS.

I am under many pressures these days. 

  • Regular mom and wife pressures (not to diminish these, because they are very real and very BIG and potentially CONSUMING)
  • Blogging pressures (Who knew that committing to posting daily on one topic for 31 days would cause pressure?!?!)
  • Writing/ Publishing pressures (I have a new book coming out soon. Conquering The Grief That Stole Christmas: Shifting Your Vision to Find Hope During The Holidays. TONS of pressure on this front as it is material that needs to be in the hands of grieving people BEFORE the holidays!)
  • Work pressures (Yes, I have a job too and coach clients during their seasons of change.)
  • Volunteer pressures (Can I say "NO" to anything?)
  • Friend pressures (I LOVE my girlfriends...but don't always have time to show them)

All of things threaten to crush me as stress builds, sleep wanes and coffee looses its effectiveness. I have a ROCK. A REDEEMER. Someone who stands guard in front of and behind me. He goes ahead of me and makes the crooked places straight and the rough places smooth (I'd hate to experience how difficult things would be if He weren't going ahead of me and paving my way). He has called me by name and planned great things for me to do. 

  • He planned for me to be a good wife and mother, and with His help, I can be.
  • He called me to write...and I trust Him for the words.
  • He placed this book in my heart...He will see it comes together in His timing.
  • He gifted me my job...He will pour out His wisdom as I work with clients.
  • He notched our a place for me to serve for no other reason than to be a blessing and a gift. He will redeem my time.
  • He gifted me with beautiful friends who know I love them whether we see one another or not.

He is my Rock. He is my Redeemer. He has done all of these things for me, and He will for you too. He doesn't only redeem our activities and labors.

He redeems our spirit into relationship with Him through salvation. He redeems what illness, disease, job loss, heart break all steal from us. 

The redemption may not be in the way we hope or expect it to arrive, or even in the timing we think is necessary...yet He is still redeeming.

He is our ROCK our REDEEMER. How are you trusting Him to be your Rock in the pressures of life today? If you leave your replies, I will gladly keep them lifted in prayer!
"Then they remembered that God was their ROCK, that God Most High was their redeemer.", (Psalm 78:35, NLT)

Dear God, Reveal yourself to us as our Rock and Redeemer. Help us put our trust more in You than in our own strengths, abilities, or understandings. Father, we each have a few rough places we need you to smooth out and some crooked places that we'd love for you to make straight. We thank you for all you do. Thank you for being our ROCK... and for REDEEMING all the things in our life that need Your redemption. In Jesus' names we pray~ Amen

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