Friday, June 24, 2016

The REST of the Story: I Danced #FMF

The REST of the Story: I danced! #FMF

This week I was hiking through some beautiful trails in Tennessee. As I explored the majesty of God’s creation, I began to share with my friend how much I miss dancing. 

I met my husband in a dance hall almost 22 years ago. I wasn’t there to meet a man or find a husband. I was there because I loved to dance.

As my friend listened, I openly grieved the reality that dancing would never again be a part of my life.

The story could have ended there… BUT GOD!

That evening as my friend and I entered the church where we are attending a ministry event, we had no idea what was about to happen.

The praise music began and we were enthralled with praising and worshiping. It was a beautiful and special time that God used to show me how much He cares about the details of our lives and the desires of our hearts. 

The music minister invited those who wanted to dance to come to the open area in front of the altar and do so.

My friend and I were in tears! God had seen my heart’s longing and invited me to be His dance partner. I am typically reserved as I worship God, but that night I danced before Him with full vigor and abandon much like I anticipate King David did.

“And David danced before the Lord with all his might.”, 2 Samuel 6:14, NLT 

The music slowed and I sensed His closeness. I submitted myself to His leading and guidance. I was surrounded by other people…but this moment was me dancing with my God.

He let me know that He hears, cares, and responds to our deep longings. There are thousands of people at this conference… and He opened the dance floor because MY HEART longed to dance.

It found out that the dancing was not planned or fabricated. It was not man’s doing. 

God wanted to dance with me just as badly as I wanted to dance.

My story could have ended on a mountain top, in the woods, with my heart longing not fulfilled. As I complained in the middle of a stat park hiking trail, I fully believed I would live the rest of my life trying to ignore my desire to dance.  BUT GOD said NO! 

“For You have given him his heart’s desire; You have withheld nothing he requested.” Psalm 21:2, NLT

In the famous words of the late and great Paul Harvey… “And that’s the REST of the story!”

What are some places of longing where He has shown up for you, or areas you would like for Him to show up?

I am joining with the #FMF crew writing on the word prompt #REST

Aside note:
When I think of it, by my natural bend, I am a control freak. The fact that my heart longs to dance makes no natural sense at all. As a woman, my role in dancing is to submit myself and be sensitive to the subtle guidance of another and to go where they want me to go. They lead… I follow. May I always be sensitive and submitted to the guidance of God as my leader and partner through this life!

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