Friday, October 23, 2015

Stones of Brokenness: There is Beauty

I love walking down the beach and finding seashells. We have jars of these beautiful treasures throughout our
home. Since I love being at the water, each jar makes my heart happy as I am transported back to memories if the salty spray in my face and the breeze in my hair. 

I spent years searching for the most beautiful shells to add to my collection. Only the perfect ones without flaw would find a place on my shelves.

One day all that changed.

 I was walking along searching only for the whole, complete, and beautiful shells. As I was discarding one that wasn't quite so perfect, I sensed God say, "That one is mine!"

Broken shell, broken pot, broken people
"I am ignored as if I were dead, as if I were a broken pot.",(Psalm 31:12, NLT)

Up until that moment I had definitely spent my treasure hunting time ignoring the broken shells. My heart was pierced as I realized that all to often I do the same with people. 

It is easy to overlook or ignore broken people.

God used a broken shell to remind me that He never ignores the broken. Instead, He is close to them.
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.", (Pslam 34:18, NLT)
 Not only is He close to Him, but He cares for their brokenness like a physician does a broken bone.
"He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.",(Psalm 147:3, NLT)

I began to look at the broken shells in a different light. I saw a beauty that I had missed before. In my own brokenness I am thankful that God hadn't missed the beauty inside of me, and I pray He helps me not miss the broken beauty inside of you either.

Dear Lord, Thank you for loving me in my brokenness. Open my eyes to see the brokenness in others and give me the courage to be near them just as you are near. Help me allow you to do the healing work in the shattered places of my heart so I can encourage others to trust you with theirs. In Jesus'                                                   name I pray~ Amen

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