The National Anthem was sung, the obligatory speeches completed, and special staff were honored. Finally the time had arrived for the Graduates to be honored as they took their final High School walk.
An odd thing happened though as they called the names. I thought it was an accident at first, but when it happened a second and third time, I realized it was very intentional.

To be honest, at first, all I could think of was how much money they just released in to the air for no good reason and what the impact might have on our ecosystem and wild animals. I felt sorry for the poor doves that were thrust into the brightness of the stadium lights. They looked confused and struggled to find direction.
Then I realized that is what this graduation night is all about… letting go!
The parents releasing or letting go of the balloons and doves was symbolic of what they were doing with their children that night…Letting go.
As I looked at the balloons and doves, I had a new perspective. Some balloons were released in bundles and traveled high and far fairly quickly, seeming to keep a straight path.

have enough helium in them to get lift and sluggishly hung low, eventually settling not too far from the person who launched them.
Other balloons were alone or in small groups and either floated around playfully as they slowing climbed in distance and height.
Watching these multiple paths, directions, and courses of balloons and birds, I could see where they were a reflection of what the graduates paths would be.
Some would set a straight course and travel far and high in life. Others would playfully meander and stay close to their launch place. Sadly others will flounder chaotically as they are thrust into a world that is confusing and overwhelming to them.
Its scary for a parent (and the child too)as we enter that season of letting go. God gives us a promise though.
“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”, Proverbs 22:6, NLT

If we have done our due diligence as parents and trained them in the ways of the Lord as well as taught them how to seek God’s plan and path for their life, they will not stay on wayward paths forever. That is a hope parents can cling to even though the child still has free will to participate with God’s plan or reject it.
For parents who may be looking back over the years of raising their children and wishing they would have (or could have) done things differently. God is a loving Father and has the ability to redeem our shortcomings as parents.
Don't be discouraged. As we release our children into adulthood, we are not releasing them to a mean and cruel world to fend for themselves. We are releasing them into the hands of God to live out their own unique purpose and life. They cannot do that effectively if we hold on to them.
I'm praying for all the parents who are in a season of letting go, and also for our children who are being released to travel their own paths. (((HUGS)))
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