Thursday, March 24, 2016

When a Glass of Water Isn't a Glass of Water~Surprise! (A #FMF Post)

I had been in the yard working in my flower beds. It was an incredibly hot day in Texas and I entered the house parched. There was a cold pitcher of water in the fridge and I eagerly poured myself a glass. I took one big swig and SURPRISE! 

My taste buds were awakened by the sweet flavor of Clear Ice Gatorade invading my mouth.

What I anticipated as bland water, turned out to be a treat that was deeply satisfying. I eagerly gulped down the first glass and poured a second. 

Isn't it that way sometimes when we sit down and open the word of God? We expect it to be bland and less than satisfying, but then something there stirs the taste buds of our heart and we want more. We have the pleasure and surprising joy of "Tasting how good God is."

My prayer is that was are all SURPRISED by the goodness of God today!

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