Thursday, March 31, 2016

Finding Shelter During Life's Storms

It's been a tough week...a very tough week and it is only going to get tougher. This week we will bury someone who died much too young. I love this man. (I say love because the love for him is still there even though he is in Heaven)

I love his grieving wife who was my first friend when I moved to the town my husband grew up in. 

I love his children who I have watched become amazing people, (even if the majority of that watching was through Facebook posts because they moved). 

I love his sweet Momma who provided a safe place for my husband (and many other teen boys) to hang out long before I met him.

Along with sorrow and grief...I am battling huge storms of anxiety. The anxiety is so bad, I find myself not being able to sleep. This week is a week of sorrow, grief, anxiety, and no sleep. (Not the prettiest combination if I say so myself)

To battle the anxiety, I've walked a lot. According to my wrist fitness tracker, I've walked 36.20 miles since Saturday (it is currently Wednesday night/ Thursday morning). If I wasn't concerned about safety, I'd probably be walking now, but since its 2:30 am I figure its safer for me to meet you in this place and share a moment of peace I had today...while I was walking.

Hopefully, as I write about it and you read it, we can both find our way to a place that provides peace, comfort, and shelter from the battles that are raging around us and in us. (I'm sure you have a few of your own "unsettled " or "unsettling" storms)

In the midst of all the above stuff happening, regular life has had to go on. I needed a form notarized for my daughter and decided that I would walk the 4 mile round trip instead of driving. I had never done this before and underestimated just how busy and noisy the roadway would be. The constant noise of cars swooshing by did nothing to calm the anxieties I was hoping this walk would conquer. I encountered something pretty spectacular though...right there in my path.

I looked up and there was a group of overhanging branches. They seemed very "out of place" from the rest of the landscape I had walked through. These branches created a "tunnel" type effect over the sidewalk. I thought it was so beautiful that I paused and took the photo you see here. 

I remember thinking that it looks almost like a bird wing sticking out to cover baby chicks. As I walked under it, though, I had to pause and just stand there. In this "tunnel"...Under this 'wing type' overhang of branches... the noise of the rushing cars was muffled. It was there, but the feeling of eminent destruction that accompanied the sounds before entering this overhang was miraculously not there. There was a sense of serenity and peace. Nothing had changed in my circumstances or environment except for me entering this odd place that seemed to protect me from all that was threatening me.

I thought of the scripture.

That is exactly how I felt huddled under the overhang of branches along a noisy roadway. In looking at the entire chapter, I believed God wanted me to read and hold on to all of it during this week of difficult things. Maybe He wants you to hold on to it here it is. I'd love to hear how it blesses you.

Psalm 91

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