Friday, November 6, 2015

Post 2 of Divine Appointments Through Surgery: I'm Glad I Didn't Miss Them

Today is 5 days post neck surgery. I shared the details of one divine appointment with nurse "K" a couple of days again. You can read about that by clicking here.

Details of my second divine appointment have fallen in to place over the past few days. 

I woke up from surgery in the recovery room. I remember talking to Nurse "D" and asking her if God had become real in her life. She told me that she had recently started a relationship with Him. 

At about 2:15 she also said that they had a room for me, but were waiting for it to be cleaned. God had other plans and I didn't make it to that room until after 6:00 pm. 

The gentleman next to me didn't recover as well as I did. I remember Nurse "D" calling people over because the gentleman stopped breathing. He didn't respond as they tried to rouse him. He also had no response when they began "bagging" him.There was only a curtain separating me and the bustle of activity that erupted in an attempt to bring him back. It easily could have been a scene from an emergency room trauma movie.

I was alert and prayed throughout the event. 

My family knew someone had "Coded" because they kept hearing "Brahms Lullaby" play over the intercom. My mom was nervous that it was me since they had not been allowed to see me. 

"The ropes of death entangled me; floods of destruction swept over me. The grave wrapped its ropes around me; death laid a trap in my path. But in my distress I cried out to the Lordyes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears."(Pslam 18:4-6, NLT)

I wasn't the one dying, but I have no doubt God appointed me to be there that day, at that time to pray for this gentleman as well as the medical staff who worked on in. God heard my cries on this gentleman's behalf. By the time I left recovery, the gentleman was visiting and talking with the doctors and nurses. 

I am honored that God used me to stand in the gap through prayer for a man I don't know.

I have more divine appointments through surgery that I'll share as I am strong enough to be at the computer. 

Dear Lord, Thank you for using me even during times when natural circumstances say I shouldn't able to be used. Thank you for hearing my cry and rescuing that gentleman from death that day. Help me continue to be sensitive to your guidance and prompting. In Jesus' name I pray ~Amen

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