Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Post 1 of Divine Appointments Through Surgery...I'm glad I didn't miss them

I had neck surgery Monday morning. Between the busyness of trying to make sure things were good for my family while I am out of commission, a book launch party to release my latest book, as well as concern (not fear) over what I would experience as recovery...I could have easily become consumed by me and my agenda. I am so thankful I had an open heart and mind going in. I intentionally asked God to help me see how He wanted to use me as I walk this path. 

I was in the Hospital for 28 hours and experienced 3 Divine Appointments. I am so humbled that God would use me in these ways.

Since I work in the area of Grief and Loss, a common theme I hear from clients is "I wish we could have had one last "I love you" or one last "Goodbye." 

While I didn't believe God was going to call me home during this process, I knew there was a gift I could leave me family...just in case God's plan was different than my own. I wrote my husband, children, and parents each a final "I love you, goodbye" letter. I asked the sweet pre-op nurse if she had an envelope that I could seal them in. 

As it turns out, she is having surgery tomorrow (Please pray for nurse "K"). She had been having nightmares of loved ones surrounding her in ICU as she lay dying. I was able to share a fer scriptures with her. 

"In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, oh Lord, will keep me safe.", (Psalm 4:8, NLT)
"Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what He did for me. For I cried out to Him for help, praising Him as I spoke. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw His unfailing love from me.",(Psalm 67:16-20, NLT)

Nurse "K" decided she was going to write similar letters to her family members. She was going to cling to these verses to have faith that she would come through her surgery fine. It could have stopped there, But God wasn't done with Nurse "K"

Turns out the father of her oldest child died in January. She needed to hear the message of hope and how Conquering the Grief that Stole Christmas (For more information click here) could bring hope to her child and the rest of the hurting family members.

As I prayed for Nurse "K" she wept and said, "I'm supposed to be here for you, but God brought you in here for me today."

I love how God works. The enemy and my human nature would want me to focus on what was happening with me during that time...but God granted me a Shifted Vision to see how I could be His hands and feet towards sweet Nurse "K".

I have two more amazing Divine appointments to share, but physically I am not up to it at the moment. Just know that God will use you no matter the must have the heart though to say, "Here I am God, use me!"

Dear God, Thank you for allowing me to introduce your hope into the life of Nurse "K". Help us all gain the ability to have s Shifted Vision to see how you want to use us even when we have things going on in our own lives that could easily draw our full focus. Thank you for allowing me to see you and your purpose in the midst of my own turmoils. In Jesus' name I pray~ Amen.

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