These attacks are very difficult for a person who follows the Christian faith to not take personally, because authentic faith is a very personal thing that defines who I am and dictates how I behave.
With the unending attack by those in authority (as well as their gangs of bullies) who rip at the very fabric of everything I stand for…Doubt has crept in.

what kind of world will they endure? What will their children be subjected to? Is there any hope?
I doubt how how my commitment to be open with my faith. The people who choose to live their faith authentically through all areas of their lives are under attack and face accusations of being judgmental bigots, even though they have not attacked anyone…but instead face an onslaught that threatens their careers and livelihoods.
I doubt I have the backbone to stand strong under the attacks, or the heart to continue to love the attackers with the love Jesus says I am to extend to others. (FYI…Godly love is not an ‘anything goes love’. It has boundaries and expectations, but that can be a different blog post all together.)
In the midst of my doubt, I find hope and comfort in the source that doesn’t change.
“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.”, Psalm 94:19, NLT
Even though doubts may fill my mind… God comforts me and renews my hope and cheer.
If you are doubts fill your mind…allow God to comfort you today. As He does, see your hope and cheer renewed.
*I'm joining with the Five Minute Friday Link-up with the word CHEER.
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