Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Me...Inside of Me

THE ME INSIDE OF ME- has pink hair. She throws caution to the wind and fully embraces the experiences of life as they come without filtering them through a lens of what terrible and painful thing will this elicit. She is not concerned with how the world will view her or if she will be accepted.

THE ME INSIDE OF ME- enjoys every minute with her children and gets down on the floor, rolls around and is silly. She isn’t consumed with dishes and laundry and all the things that still need to be done to keep life moving forward.

THE ME INSIDE OF ME- passionately embraces her husband and melts into the fullness of what the husband/wife relationship is designed to be. She isn’t guarded or wounded from things of the past.

THE ME INSIDE OF ME- boldly builds relationships and friendships not being concerned about rejection or disappointment.

This is the me…inside of me.

 The me I am trying to let out.

Maybe it’s the me God created me to be.
I hope one day…to be THE ME INSIDE OF ME!

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