“Mom, did you see me?” That is the question that both thrills
and strikes fear in my heart.

Complete elation
washes over me as I spot her little pony tail flip. I FOUND HER! My current
episode of “Where’s Kenzie” (our twist on Where’s Waldo) has come to an end…I
sought her and I found her.
My heart shifts to the Lord and my pursuit of Him. I’m
reminded of Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with
your whole heart.
In today’s society it can be difficult to find God in the
sea of details of our lives. There are many distractions that can cause Him to seem
lost to us and elusive. It can seem as if He is hiding in the scurry of
movement and activities.
As my daughter performs on the football field there are many
things that can catch my eye and distract me…but I assure you I continue to
search for her with my whole heart…and I find her. I don’t let the flurry of
activity distract me from my goal…finding the one who makes my heart leap.
In the same way, we are to search for the Lord: Eagerly,
without distraction, and with a sense of urgency. There is a chance that I can
search for my daughter during a performance and miss her. Jeremiah 29:13
promises us that any time we seek God with our whole heart…we will find Him.
It would break my heart to have to tell Kenzie that I didn’t
find her on the field during her performance. It would be even more
heartbreaking to say I didn’t find God.
I encourage you to seek Him…anchor your search to the
promise of Jeremiah 29:13. Seek Him with your whole heart and you will find
Today I am Linking up with the Five Minute Friday group on the topic of FIND.
Today I am Linking up with the Five Minute Friday group on the topic of FIND.