Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It All Came Tumbling Down... AGAIN!

Well it happened…AGAIN! Things came crashing down all around me. I’m not talking figuratively, but literally I ended up with a pile of things that one second had all been perched and balanced perfectly in my arms and the next were scattered at my feet like fragments from a bombing.

You see, I had been walking through my home being “very productive” gathering things from each room that needed to be returned to their rightful location. My arms had grown quite full, but I was certain that I could pick up that last soda can. Little did I know that act would derail all of my good intentions. It quite literally was the thing that brought the mountain down!

How many times in life do we go through doing our dance and juggling the details of our lives? It is a dance that I am very familiar with. We are like those Chinese Acrobats with so many things spinning in so many different directions, but with skill and concentration we are able to keep them spinning.

We do have a limit though. There comes a time that we are at our “juggling capacity” and just can’t add one more thing. The sad part is that we don’t recognize that we are at our limit.  We add that one more thing to our over loaded crazy pile and the whole thing tumbles down. We get angry at ourselves and our circumstances. We become tired and discouraged. It takes so much effort to pick things back up after they have fallen.

As I stooped down this morning to pick up my dropped pile, I realized something. Most of the things lying at my feet weren’t mine to be taking care of in the first place: children’s shoes, back packs, craft projects...none of those were mine. I did have things I was responsible for, like the dirty laundry and the blasted soda can that caused all the mess. In that moment I realized that it hadn’t been the can’s fault at all. It had been my fault because if I had loaded my arms with the things that I was responsible for, my load would never have been too heavy or overwhelming.

This made me think of times when I have taken up other people’s battles and responsibilities only to see my own obligations and frame of mind spin utterly out of control. Galatians 6:2  CEV  “You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand.” We are supposed to help…not take full responsibility for someone else’s “stuff”. (Okay now I’m alluding to things figuratively as well)

If things are falling today, check to see it what you are carrying is your “stuff” or someone else’s. If it’s all yours, God says He will help you carry it because His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (Matthew 11:30)

If the “stuff” that has you over loaded rightfully is someone else’s, lovingly give it back to them. If they don’t take it back, then it’s okay for their “stuff” to sit there for a while.  Many times people will give others their “stuff” to take care of because they don’t want to take care of it themselves. Offering a helping hand means you HELP someone…NOT do it for them.

Have a great day, and I pray God helps you figure out what is yours to carry, and what you need to leave behind.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Letter from God...Time is Limited!

If you were to wake up in the morning and have note from God sitting in your e-mail saying:

“Good morning! I just wanted to let you know that today is the last day you will have all of the people you love on this Earth with you. I will be bringing one of them home to Heaven with me before the sun rises tomorrow. I love you enough that I wanted to give you the opportunity to know that time is limited. I love you, and hope you make today count. Love, God”


God didn’t tell you who you He was taking home with Him, so what would you do? Who would you decide to forgive and who would you ask forgiveness of? Would you take the time to play games and have fun with your children, specifically telling each of them how much you love them and how special they are? 

Would you call your parents, or make the time to go see them? Would you slow down and make love to your spouse in a meaningful way instead of the routine you have fallen in to? Would you tell them how they are your hero?

Who are the other important people in your life that you would make sure you reached out to knowing it was the last time you would have contact with one of them.

Would the things that consumed your thoughts, actions, and worries yesterday still carry the same value, importance, and priority on this day?

We are never guaranteed a tomorrow. We all experience sudden life changes where we missed the opportunity to say goodbye or tell someone how important they are to us. Each day, let’s try to wake up and live like we have an e-mail from God. It tells us that time is limited… what are we going to do with it?